
Who are we?

MentalTea is a growing community working towards changing the way individuals think & act about problems related to Mental Health. Managed by the current generation, it’s a dedicated project to help people calm their minds & heal their lives through motivational words, graphics, podcasts, webinars, open-discussions & personal chats. Here, at MentalTea, we want you to know You Are Not Alone. We are here to take your mind at a peaceful place, no matter what is happening around you. We offer comprehensive content all devoted to self-improvement with a focus on personal productivity, inspiration and self-education. We offer our audience a platform to share their real-life struggles & inspiring stories that can be published & get connected with people who are affected by problems like stress, anxiety, trauma, and depression.

Our Aim

MentalTea diverges from traditional ‘Self Help’ by taking a broader approach. Rather than sticking to a small set of topics to deal with mental illness & other issues. The platform addresses important steps you can take in the coping process & even have effective action plans for recovery. MentalTea is a place where individuals can overcome their day-to-day challenges in a stigma-free environment. While we aspire of a progressive society & culture, we intend to impart practices where mental health taboos & issues can be discussed openly & managed effectively with emotional and professional assistance.

Our Mission

MentalTea strives to bring billions of smiles every day. It is our mission to improve overall mental and physical wellbeing & reduce discrimination towards individuals dealing with mental problems. We also aim to form a collaborative social structure with a sole goal to promote happiness, channel positivity, and strengthen your soul.